Live stream
NGA offers variety of streaming solutions for your
Business events, Conferences, Forums, Ceremonies, Sports events, Pressconferences, Presentations, Festivals, Theatre performance and so on
Premium Performance
Up to 16 cameras
4K Quality
Streaming for BIG events
Big events with a large audience and people online, require serious preparation, organization, and dedication. We have the necessary skills, a qualified team of trained professionals, and professional equipment to bring your event to the next digital level.
Some of the platforms we work with

What can we offer
Live Streaming & Recording
Multistreaming on more social media platforms (YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Zoom, etc)
Streaming on Website/Landing page
4K/Full HD quality
Password protection
Live video management
Professional live audio management
Live production of graphics and tools
Live Q&A and Polls
Professional studio light - On request
Live transcript
Live video signals to video screen walls in the hall
Up to 16 cameras/signals during your live stream
Virtual studio
and many more